Kevin Simmons

“The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future.”
-- Gabe Newell

About me

I'm 19 years old and pursing a career in web development. I started coding in middle school with scratch and kodu. I would make games and sometimes try and re-create the classics like Pacman and Space Invaders. Eventually I was introduced to code academy and from there I learned html and css. These first two languages kept my curiosity throughout middle and high school until I eventually joined a coding bootcamp, where I learned those two languages in a week and began to dive into the depths of web development. I can't count how many times my mind has been blown or I've just gotten super excited about learning something new, because this stuff is cool. That's part of why I choose to go into web development. The possibilities of what a website can be and do is truly only limited to the ideas you can come up with, and you never stop learning. Everytime I code I'm either learning something new or refining my skills and becoming better. I love it all. Even the bugs.